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Images are character representations of Demodex mites.


Illustrated person icon standing behind microphone

Learn More About DB From Doctors and Patients

Images are character representations of Demodex mites.

Illustrated person icon standing behind microphone
Dr Iravani

Dr Iravani

Dr Iravani discusses the process of diagnosing Demodex blepharitis (DB) and the ability to treat it with XDEMVY.

Dr Chung

Dr Chung

Dr Chung discusses the importance of looking specifically for signs of Demodex mites and why simply cleaning the eyelids isn’t enough to treat DB.

Dr Nilieh

Dr Nilieh

Dr Nilieh explains the common symptoms and misconceptions about DB and why she’s excited about XDEMVY for DB.



Dianna talks about her journey from experiencing symptoms she thought were normal to getting the right diagnosis of DB.

Share Your Story and Connect With a Supportive Community

Sharing your Demodex blepharitis (DB) story can help inspire others.

Fill out the form below and share your DB experience. And please include a photo of yourself!

(*Fields marked with asterisks are required.)

To ensure the privacy of individuals, images will not be identified using full names or other personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject.

This is optional if you’re shy. If not—we’d love to see your face.
Which best describes you?*

(Please make a selection.)

two illustrated demodex mites one says yikes in speech bubble with text reading party’s over
two illustrated demodex mites one says yikes in speech bubble with text reading party’s over
