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Images are character representations of Demodex mites.


Uplift Someone Else on a Similar DB Journey

Sharing your XDEMVY experience is about more than just recounting your personal journey; it’s about offering support and building a community. Fill out the form below to share your XDEMVY experience. And please include a photo of yourself!

(*Fields marked with asterisks are required.)

To ensure the privacy of individuals, images will not be identified using full names or other personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject.

close up of illustrated brown eye with eyelids and eyelashes
close up of illustrated brown eye with eyelids and eyelashes
This is optional if you’re shy. If not—we’d love to see your face.

By submitting a photo, you give Tarsus permission to use your photo in conjunction with your story.

Illustrated demodex mite peers around a bottle of XDEMVY next to party favors in a puddle of liquid with text reading party’s over

One drop per eye, twice a day (~12 hours apart), for 6 weeks.